Contact Tournament Director Tim Healea to discuss how you can support the 2025 Northern California Adaptive Golf Classic Tournament.
Title Sponsor - $15,000, 1 Available
- Prominent tournament signed at entrance to the venue, and throughout the
facilities. Visible to approximately 50 associate member organizations nationwide
and their approximately 20,000 individual members. - Listed on the USAGA calendar of events.
- Your logo & link to your website on the USAGA and WAGA website.
- Listed as the Title Sponsor on all media communications.
- Announced as title sponsor during opening ceremonies, event kick-off, tee starter
announcements, welcome reception, and awards banquet. - Listed on all printed materials and handouts to all participants.
- V.I.P. seating and dinner for four during the welcome reception & awards banquet.
- Complimentary round of golf for four, including cart at Sierra View Country Club.
- Listed on participant cart assignment signs, and scorecards.
Associate Sponsor - $10,000, 1 Available
- Your logo and link to your website on the USAGA and WAGA website.
- Announced as the associate sponsor at the welcome reception and awards banquet.
- Prominent signage on the practice facility, and on the 1st and 10th hole teeing areas.
- Listed as Associate Sponsor on all media communications.
- V.I.P. seating and dinner for four during the welcome reception and awards banquet.
- Complimentary round of golf for four, including cart at Sierra View Country Club.
Elite Sponsor - $7,500, 1 Available
- Announced as an Elite Sponsor at the welcome reception and awards banquet.
- Your logo and link to your website on the USAGA and WAGA website
- Listed as elite sponsor on all printed materials to participants.
- Signage around putting facilities.
- Prime area for displays of products, and or services for both days.
- Meals provided for up to four people per day.
- V.I.P. seating and dinner for four at the welcome reception and awards banquet.
- Two complementary rounds of golf, including cart, at Sierra View Country Club.
Special Drawing sponsor - $5,000, 1 available
- Provides ten $500 pre-paid VISA cards at Awards banquet by random draw. Five
male and five female participants will be drawn for expense reimbursement. - Link to sponsors website listed on all materials and announced prominently at
awards banquet.
Hole in one sponsor - $750, 3 Available
- Prominent signage on all four par three holes per day.
- Listed on all printed material handouts to participants.
- Your logo, and link to your website on the WAGA website.
- Closest to the hole prizes on all par three holes for both days.
- The first hole in one during the tournament will win the grand prize (TBD).
Beverage Sponsor - $1,000, 2 Available
- Signage at all refreshment stops throughout the golf course.
- Listed as sponsor on WAGA website and all printed materials.
- Volunteer Assist sponsor - $750 2 Available
- Prominent signage at the on-course snack shack.
- Listed on all printed materials.
Player Sponsor - $500, 25 Available
- Your logo and link to your website listed on the WAGA website.
- Listed as player sponsor on all printed materials.
- Pays for two players entry fees.
Hole Sponsor - $250, 8 available
- Sponsor signage on a hole teeing area.
Product Sponsor
- Donations of items that would be included in all participants gift bags upon check-in registration at the time of the event.
- Listed as product sponsor on all printed materials to participants.
This Event is expected to have a lot of media coverage potential from a local, state, and national level.
Contact Tournament Director Tim Healea